Month: June 2024

Story about forest

Once upon a time there were two Step sisters named Jenny and Jessie going for a ride late at night. They were listening to music while driving and went towards the woods. For a sec they didn’t care until they heard something ticking. Jenny stopped the radio and  said What’s that sound jessie? Jessie replied. It must be the music. By then Jenny said it’s not because it’s still going. Jenny looked around looking to see what was the noise. When Jessie was driving. Jenny found something came out the box she brang from her friend. Jessie and Jenny got scared because there was a problem in the car. Jenny tried to call for help but then Jessie was speeding to get someone to help until they started to fall off a cliff. They all pass out for a min (4 HOURS LATER) Jenny woke up and got scared. She ran to wake her sister and got worried because she was lost. Jenny and Jessie started to get their phone and try to call their mother for help. There was no service around when they got their phone out. After a while Jenny tried to be tough and strong to save and help jessie. Jenny told Jessie to wait in the car while she went to find stuff. When Jenny went into the forest. She was yucked because of how it smells and feels when you step onto the floor. When Jenny went back. Jessie was listening to music on her headphones.(1 HOUR LATER) It started to rain a lot and Jenny had an idea. She forgot she brought her white big car that they drove in. She told Jessie to wait outside with the umbrella. Jenny grabbed her car tent waterproof. While she did that. Jenny told Jessie to finish it off while Jenny looked for the bomb. The bomb was gone until they heard the bomb explode. On the road. 


After a while Jenny went to find things to block the car and tent she started to find some and started to build around it. When that was all done she was doing the inside putting some stuff she brought from a party and they all started to be calm. Jenny turned all the seats into a bed and luckily she had a car that had little tv on the back of the seats. Jessie said I like your car because of how it’s white,big and has space. Jenny replied There is a shower outside and she covered the floor with a mattress. They all took turns taking a shower and used some of their clothes they left in the car from the washing store. They went to watch tv and fell asleep.(1 HOUR LATER).


When they woke up. Jessie and Jenny got up and went to get something to eat. Luckily they had left overs before they crashed. They all ate and went back to bed. They were spending a lot of time in the car. When it got to night. They all started to fall asleep then they saw a light flashing to them. 


When Jessie and Jenny saw it they didn’t want to go outside so they screamed and went under the blanket. When the person talked and knocked on the door. Jessie replied Hello?.


The person who replied back was a man and lady who were cops. When she opened the door she was happy to see other people. Cops said. What are you two doing here in the woods? We got a call from your mother and said you two went past the woods. Jenny replied. We found a bomb in our car and accidentally crashed so we started to use these because we didn’t know how to get outta the woods. 


After talking Jessie and Jenny packed and got in their car. They left the car behind in the woods while the two cops, Daniel and Jason deal with it. Daniel called back up and took the girls to the hospital. Jessie and Jenny were happy and fell asleep. The cop was looking and drived at the same time. (30 HOURS LATER) They arrived at the hospital and they woke up in the hospital beds. When they were asleep. The mom went to see them and hugged when she saw them. She was so very worried when went missing. Later that night Jenny and Jessie were in the room together on their devices. The mother called them to come down for dinner and do a prayer. When they started to eat. The mother asked Jessie and Jenny about how they got in the woods. After all the stuff that happens is done. (10 YEARS LATER) They had a party in between the woods. A new girl from school was at the party. She was getting bullied by popular girls. After she got Bullied. She started to go towards the woods since she was hurt and getting laughed at. Jessie and Jenny saw her going towards the wood so they ran and warned her before she went in. When Jenny and Jessie tried to stop her she didn’t care and went in. Jenny on the other hand said We need to Tell the cops. Jessie replied back and said okay but we need to hurry. So they ran to the car and rushed to the police station. When they got there they were all running and said to cops. We got a girl who’s going to the WOODS. The cops asked what wood if i may ask. Jessie said THE WOODS WE GOT STUCKED. IT’S NEAR A PARTY JUST FOLLOW US PLEASE. All the cops started to follow Jenny and jessie. Once they got there all cops had their guns and flashlights. All the people at the party were shocked when they heard the new girl went into the woods. Jessie and Jenny were following them to see if they could see the girl in the woods. Jessie and Jenny ran towards the cops to catch up until Jessie fell and passed out. Jenny was worried and started to yell out OFFICER ANDREW to help. But then they heard a step and started to get scared.After all things happened. They found her and took them all to the hospital.It was 4 months now and everything was back to normal.Jenny and jessie were Hanging out in the room on their phones and everything was just as fine. The end